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Quick question: Have you ever been to an atrocious website for a subject that really interests you? Yeah, probably. And you probably forgave the brain-dead structure and dilettantish design. Why? Because the content was interesting-relevant-useful-entertaining.

This is why the Nobel Prize for literature doesn’t go to the designer of the dust jacket. It’s also why content remains the single most important element in most on-line UX projects.

Topics include:

  • Why writing for the web is different (basic observations and hard facts)
  • Navigation (labels, not graphics)
  • Shared-reference building (getting folks on the same mental page)
  • Descriptions (core content)
  • Contextual navigation (locally relevant links)
  • Convenience text (alt texts, pop-ups, FAQs, and instructions)
  • Information architecture (from a content-provider point-of-view)
  • Metadata (machine-readable keywords, titles, and descriptions)

Eric won’t teach you how to un-mix your metaphors (if you’re a lousy writer, this is not the workshop for you). But if you’re already a decent wordsmith, here’s how you can take your talent to the web. And Eric will also kill off a bunch of myths about what works and what doesn’t, and give you the tools needed to enjoy online success.

Please note:
There will be a number of written exercises throughout the day in English.

This workshop has been held for:

UN Geneva, Switzerland Tourism, International Labour Organization, UX London, UX Lisbon, UX Russia, Medicotest, FL Smidth, Virogates, Dansk Transport og Logistik, Copenhagen Zoo, Danmarks Reklamskole, Bankdata, Arbejdsmarkedsstyrelsen, AMBU, Transenna, Oticon, GN Otometrics, Rockwool, and many others…


9:30 – Why people read. How people read. Shared references.
10:30 – Coffee break
10:45 – Information architecture. User experience.
11:30 – Short break
11:40 – General writing guidelines
12:30 – Lunch
13:30 – Specific techniques
14:30 – Short break
14:45 – Continuation of specific techniques
15:30 – Short break
15:45 – Meta data, Repurposing print material, Landing pages
16:30 – Q&A
17:30 – Finish

Who This Workshop is For?

Designers and UX professionals who want to take their skills beyond the screen to create truly valuable cross-platform experiences.

Writing for the Web

Eric Reiss

Eric Reiss has held a wide range of eclectic jobs: piano player (in a house of ill-repute), senior copywriter (in an ad-house of ill-repute), player-piano repairman, adventure-game creator, and stage director. His experiences have served him admirably as a designer, content strategist, information architect, and usability “expert“ – although he can’t explain exactly how.

In more mundane lives, Eric has been a two-term president of the Information Architecture Institute and Professor of Usability and Design at IE Business School in Madrid, Spain. Today, Eric is CEO of the FatDUX Group in Copenhagen, Denmark, a leading UX company with offices and associates in over a dozen cities worldwide. He also has several books to his credit, including the best-selling “Usable Usability“, which is now available in five languages. You’ll find him on Twitter at @elreiss.

Място на провеждане

SOHO, 4 Iskar Str., Sofia

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Writing for the Web
Writing for the Web
Writing for the Web
23 ноември 2017, 09:30 - 17:30 (четвъртък)
SOHO, 4 Iskar Str., Sofia