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Good user experience is a key factor for the long-term market success of products. But how do we find out that the UX of our products is good enough? If we cannot measure UX, we have to rely on opinions of managers, product owners, developers or designers; we all know how reliable such opinions are. Thus, it is crucial that we find methods to objectively measure the UX quality of products.

Martin will explain how carefully constructed standard UX questionnaires can be used to gather such measurements. He will show some examples of commonly used UX questionnaires. In addition, he will describe typical methods for collecting data with surveys and discuss their pros and cons.

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How to measure UX with standardized questionnaires

Dr. Martin Schrepp

User interface designer and UX researcher at SAP SE

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Dr. Martin Schrepp studied Mathematics and Psychology at the University of Heidelberg (Germany).
Since 1994, he is a user interface designer and UX researcher at SAP SE. He was responsible for the design and evaluation of large business software solutions, mainly in the areas of Customer Relationship Management and SAP Business Technology Platform. Currently, he works on projects that establish constant measurement of the UX for SAP products using surveys.
Outside his job at SAP, he is active in academic research where his topics of interest are UX methods and UX design.
He has published several research papers.

21 март 2023, 18:30 - 19:30 (вторник)

Webinar recording