Upcoming events

UX Psychology – In-Person workshop
В тази работилница ще се запознаете с основите на психологията и как те се прилагат в UX дизайна. На следващия ден ще приложите наученото, за да създадете прототип на продукт, следвайки UX процеса.
Past events

UX Sofia 2024 – Research in UX
Sorry, this entry is only available in Български. You can translate the page with Google Translate. [prisna-google-website-translator]Предстои четиринайстото издание на UX Sofia – 13-15 ноември. Форматът се запазва: 2 дни работилници и семинарен ден. Фокусът на това издание са проучванията в UX. Всичко за тазгодишния фокус и конференцията.

Object-oriented UX design workshop
Макар да свързвате термина „обектно-ориентиран“ с програмирането, в работилницата няма да си говорим за код. Философията OOUX (Обектно ориентиран UX) не е пореден моден тренд, a добре забравенo старo знаниe, което отново набира популярност. Чрез него нареждането на продуктовия пъзел започва първо с разнищване на проблема през призмата на обектите. Методът е пресечна точка между проучването и фазата на дизайн.

How to measure UX with standardized questionnaires
Good user experience is a key factor for the long-term market success of products. But how do we find out that the UX of our products is good enough? If we cannot measure UX, we have to rely on opinions of managers, product owners, developers or designers; we all know how reliable such opinions are. Thus, it is crucial that we find methods to objectively measure the UX quality of products. Google Meet

Sustainable Design
Кой решава бъдещето на нашата планета? Имаме ли все още възможност да повлияем на околната среда по един по-благоприятен начин? Аз, ти…., кой прави решителните стъпки в една или друга посока? Каква може да бъде ролята на дигиталния дизайнер в един такъв все по-заплашителен сценарий? От къде може да „откраднем“ знания и практики? Има ли едно нещо, което може да направим и да решим проблема със замърсяването веднъж и завинаги?

UX Sofia 2022 – Design for Sustainability
The 11th edition of UX Sofia is organized by Lucrat and offers 2 days of interactive workshops and 1 seminar day of inspirational talks. It will take place in-person in Sofia with selected sessions online. We will be streaming all sessions on the seminar day. See the full program. The goal of UX Sofia has always been to expand skills and build knowledge in the fields of design, user research, and user communication. This year, we focus on sustainability: practices, solutions, and examples of design that spares the resources of machines and people without compromising the components that allow users to have good user experiences.

Designing Better Estimates
In this 1.5h-long workout, we’ll explore how companies around the world are dealing with time estimates in 2022, exploring the entire workflow from start to finish, project estimates, scope of work, deadlines, how to deal with clients and sales, capacity planning and magical story points. Vitaly Friedman, creative lead behind Smashing Magazine, will be taking a microscopic examination of common components and design patterns in modern interfaces — on desktop and on mobile.

Complex Mega-Dropdown-Menus
In this UX workout session, we’ll explore navigation design patterns, from horizontal layering and sidebar navigation to cards index, A-Z pattern, sideways breadcrumbs, dynamic filters, query constructors and mega-drop-downs. Vitaly Friedman, creative lead behind Smashing Magazine, will explore navigation design patterns, from horizontal layering and sidebar navigation to cards index, A-Z pattern, sideways breadcrumbs, dynamic filters, query constructors and mega-drop-downs.

Дизайн на разговор за чатботи и гласови асистенти
Ако сте общували с чатбот и сте се чувствали неудовлетворени и дори подразнени от взаимодействието, то вероятно в чатбота има пропуски при дизайна на разговора. За да направите добър чатбот или, най-общо, дигитален асистент, не са нужни изкуствен интелект, невронни мрежи и машинно обучение. Тези неща са полезни, но дори и най-съвременната технология не може да запълни пропуските при проектирането. Предлагаме ви систематичен подход за дизайн на дигитални асистенти, при които взаимодействието между асистента и потребителя се извършва под формата на разговор. Може да се поръча като корпоративно обучение.

Designing components, from idea to documentation
Usually, there’s not just one way of designing. It is important, though, to have a system in place that allows you to think, design and document components that are future-proof, but also proven to work in real-world scenarios. Javier will help you get there by translating his experience designing systems used by millions of people around the world. You’ll walk away with clear ideas, techniques and resources on how to improve your current projects in a way that reflects a systematic approach to design.

Ефективeн дизайн в интерактивна среда
Ако се питате защо като прилагате препоръките от поредната статия за повишаване на клик рейтинг не постигате резултат значи може би ви липсва основата. Ако мислите, че вече достатъчно знаете за шрифт, илюстрация, композиция на съдържанието и управление на цвета в проектите си, но въпреки това се губите в детайлите, може би ви липсва система. Ако не знаете какво ще последва след скеоморфизъм, плосък дизайн и неоморфизъм може би ви липсва визия. Курсът ще е полезен за UX и UI дизайнери с опит, но и за всички дизайнери, които биха искали да се запознаят с интерактивната среда.

The Object-Oriented UX Certification Program: Cohort 6
The OOUX Masterclass Certification is a rigorous, fast-paced course designed and delivered by Sophia Prater. Are you eager to dive into Object-Oriented UX? Ready to learn how to get at the heart of intricate systems? This course will teach you a repeatable methodology to tackle complexity, wrangle stakeholders, and make systems-level change in the experiences you create. Cohort 6 of this small-group coaching program starts on February 21st.

Smart Interface Design Patterns with Vitaly Friedman
Are you ready for a design challenge? In this series of online workshops, Vitaly Friedman, creative lead behind Smashing Magazine, will be taking a microscopic examination of common components and design patterns in modern interfaces — on desktop and on mobile. We’ll study 100s of hand-picked examples and we’ll be designing interfaces together, starting from accordions, to mega-drop-downs, sliders, feature comparisons, car configurators — all the way to timelines and onboarding. And: We’ll be reviewing and providing feedback to each other’s work as well.

Съдържание за уеб – на живо 2021
Два дни по 4 часа, онлайн тренинг за оптимизиране на текстове за уеб и онлайн магазини — атрактивни описания, видеосъдържание и социални мрежи, лекота за четене и разбиране, SEO и графично оформление.

Набиране на участници за проучвания и събития
Полудневен, онлайн тренинг ще наблегнем на това как се набират успешно участници за UX, маркетинг проучвания и аудитории подходящи за събития.

The Indispensable Principles of Designing Complex
The Indispensable Principles of Designing Complex, Data-Intensive Interfaces

Design Eye Opener
In this full-day masterclass you will learn what is the difference between design, UX, and UI

Object oriented UX
Prepare for an in-depth journey through the object-oriented UX—information architecture for the real world. Together, we will design systems comprised of consistent and recognisable objects that match our user’s mental model. By focusing on objects, we will learn new strategies to create elegantly simple and intuitive design systems.

How to get the best results from UX testing masterclass
In this full-day masterclass you will learn what usability testing is and how to use it to gather user feedback, analyze the findings, and finally implement the results to raise satisfaction, increase conversion and improve the overall user experience.

How to do UX testing for desktop and mobile
Learn how to do usability test – the best UX research method to gather information how to improve the experience of your users, to raise satisfaction and increase conversion.

Design thinking
Do you want to find a way through innovation and empathy for users? Design Thinking is the way that is used by the most innovative companies nowadays.

How to do UX testing
In this half-day workshop you will learn how to do usability test – the best UX research method to gather information how to improve the experience of your users, to raise satisfaction and increase conversion.

UX design for mobile apps
Making the transition from web to mobile design can be challenging, especially when you have to understand what makes it different. This workshop will teach you real and proven workflows, methodologies and tools to be confident when designing apps.

Writing for the Web
Quick question: Have you ever been to an atrocious website for a subject that really interests you? Yeah, probably. And you probably forgave the brain-dead structure and dilettantish design. Why? Because the content was interesting/relevant/useful/entertaining.

An introduction to service design
Service design combines key elements from user-experience design, interaction design, and quality management to create long-term value. In this full-day workshop, you’ll discover the basic elements of each of these disciplines and how they work together to raise customer satisfaction, increase conversions, and enhance key events along the customer journey.